使用slots 但是,如果我们想要限制class的属性怎么办?比如,只允许对Student实例添加name和age属性。 为了达到限制的目的,Python允许在定义class的时候,定义一个特殊的slots变量,来限制该class能添加的属性: class Student(object). Miccosukee casino poker tournaments. Poker spielen schweiz legal gambling.
- 使用slots 但是,如果我们想要限制class的属性怎么办?比如,只允许对Student实例添加name和age属性。 为了达到限制的目的,Python允许在定义class的时候,定义一个特殊的slots变量,来限制该class能添加的属性: class Student(object).
- We mentioned in the beginning that slots are preventing a waste of space with objects. Since Python 3.3 this advantage is not as impressive any more. With Python 3.3 Key-Sharing Dictionaries are used for the storage of objects.
Python Slots Vs Namedtuple
- 使用slots 但是,如果我们想要限制class的属性怎么办?比如,只允许对Student实例添加name和age属性。 为了达到限制的目的,Python允许在定义class的时候,定义一个特殊的slots变量,来限制该class能添加的属性: class Student(object).
- We mentioned in the beginning that slots are preventing a waste of space with objects. Since Python 3.3 this advantage is not as impressive any more. With Python 3.3 Key-Sharing Dictionaries are used for the storage of objects.
Python Slots Vs Namedtuple
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The attributes of objects are stored in a dictionary '__dict__'. Like any other dictionary, a dictionary used for attribute storage doesn't have a fixed number of elements. In other words,you can add elements to dictionaries after they have been defined, as we have seen in our chapter on dictionaries. This is the reason, why you can dynamically add attributes to objects of classes, you have created.
We recommend to continue with our chapter 'Python3 Slots' of our Python3 tutorial. It's compatible with version 2.x anyway.